Not all spiders are creepy
This is our “new to us”, ultra-rare, original DeHavilland Spider for the Sabre and JP843!
I've been swamped with purchasing, traveling and ordering parts and supplies for the project lately, so the shop is full of new items that need my attention to catalogue and store properly!
The most impressive acquisition, and a huge step forward, is the near nonexistent three blade DeHavilland propeller spider to fit the Sabre. We have been working for nearly a decade to obtain one of these that will be suitable for flight, and we have now done it!
This spider was acquired through trading with our friends at the Bomber Command Museum of Canada. Many may know that the Halifax also used a three blade DH propeller, and the same spider; due to this, and the fact that our aircraft needs to fly, we have arranged to trade our corroded spider and one of the Taurus engines in our collection for this pristine spider that has passed non-destructive testing! In addition to this key piece, the trade also included a pile of NOS components that will help us build up the complete Typhoon 3 blade hub assembly! ~Ian